Sunday, March 16, 2014

What is PLR?

Private label rights is a concept used in internet marketing and derived from private labeling. It's a license where the author sells most or all of the intellectual property rights to their work. The license is defined by the author of the work and has no legal definition.

It’s the rights to use the content as if you wrote it yourself. I find the best type of PLR is the ones that have unrestricted rights and you can do whatever you wish with it.

Here is an example of a PLR site with many opportunities to make money online.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Latest Online Opportunity

I was having a conversation with someone who has done quite well online and I asked him how he is making so much money online. He told me that he has multiple streams of income. I scratched my head and realized, I needed to add to my portfolio of online opportunities and ask him for a suggestion. He pointed me to Kanaway. I asked him what it was.

Here is the information on Kanaway

One of the most talked about and unique opportunities to ever hit the M.L.M space has just open the doors for people to pre-register... Literally thousands of people all over the USA have been waiting patiently to lock a spot with the First EVER Hemp Based M.L.M...

This program is so sexy people are flipping out and the parent company has already been legally sending products out to all 50 states... This type of opportunity which by the way has zero competition is going to literally change 1000's of people's lives all over the United States...

Timing is critical right now and it's FREE to lock in your position during pre-registration... The Buzz on this is going to get fever pitch so getting locked in and sharing with others can create a massive payday for you as this goes live...

This is a once and a lifetime type opportunity so don't waste another second register right away... ** Here is how to get registered **
 1. Go to
2. Put in your email address
 3. Watch the video overviews
 4. Click on SIGNUP TODAY
5. Make your initial product purchase
6. Share the experience with your friends

 You can also get more info here:

I did everything listed above and I started actually making money the first day.  I couldn't believe it.  I think this is going to be big.   

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Benefits Of PPC Marketing

PPC is one of the most valuable marketing tools available today for web business owners. It is a great way for them to generate traffic and sales quickly to their site. It has proven to be very beneficial to all web business owners no matter what the size of their business is. There are also other great benefits to running a PPC marketing campaign.

First of all there is the benefit of financial planning. With PPC marketing you have the ability to set up a daily budget for the amount of money you would like to spend on advertising in any given day. If your marketing campaign seems to be making you huge revenue then you can increase it any time you feel you are ready. There is no set limit on the amount that you are able to spend

PPC marketing is a well planned targeted campaign that you create. You will have the choice of what keywords you would like to use on your site. These keywords will also ensure you to get specific traffic to your site based on your product. There needs to be careful planning in this stage of the game though to ensure that it takes off successfully.

PPC Marketing also has campaign flexibility. PPC will help you accent your products brand name as well as its quality. At any time you can add or remove keywords to your ad campaign to drive even more traffic and sales to your site. You also will have the ability to introduce any new components to your advertising campaign at any time. This will help you increase your ranks on the search engines.

Another benefit of PPC marketing is that you pay for what you get. Remember with PPC marketing you only pay for the number of clicks that you receive on your site. Unlike some of the other marketing tools that are available on the internet today you will pay for only genuine people that visit your site. These people are actually looking for your product which is why they clicked on your advertisements. These genuine people are usually the ones that are generating your revenue for you.

There is also testing potential that is available with your PPC marketing campaign. If you have launched a new product and would like to know how it will do with the general product you have the ability to do a test run. The number of clicks that you receive on the product will help you know if the product will generate revenue for you or not.

A final benefit of PPC marketing is that you are able to see instant results. A very well planned and researched PPC campaign can show you instant results.

As you can see there are a lot of different benefits as to why you should choose PPC marketing for your advertising needs.

Natalie Braverman is the Owner of Check us out anytime for marketing tips and a free subscription to our cutting edge newsletter. Check out Detox My PC ->

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Developing And Profiting From Your Golden House E-Mail List

Do you own a business with walk-in traffic? Then you're sitting on a gold mine
of mammoth proportions. All you have to do is gather customer names and email
addresses... then get organized so you can contact -- and profit from -- your
hot list on a regular basis.

1) Start collecting customer data at once

As I have pointed out for years, "the list is the business...and the business
is the list." Start building this all-important list TODAY.

Make it a point to ask ALL your customers for name, address, phone and e-mail
address. If you have employees, make sure they realize the importance of the
list. Show them how to request this information from all customers, thus:

"Mr. Smith, would you like to receive e-mails from us with tremendous discount
offers? Just fill out this brief form or give me your card with e-mail address."

Add this information to your list at the end of every day. Be consistent!

2) Start brainstorming hot offers today.

For your special "alert" list to work, you must present scintillating offers.
Start collecting them now.

Open a computer file and enter all your sales offers, always concentrating on
what made money. Squeezing the most dollars from your list is a direct function
of making offers that get your customers to stop in their tracks and head your

Don't hesitate to "swipe" offers from other media sources. Your offer need not
be original to you. It just has to pull.

3) Develop a format.

Start with the subject line. It should read something like this: ANOTHER great
offer from (your name). Expires 5 p.m. today... so don't delay!"

Then entice!

"Just in... the most delicious golden pears you've ever tasted. Prepare to
pamper yourself... but act NOW. We only have a few! Drop by now.. and indulge

4) Unless you ship as part of your current business routine, make sure
recipients understand this is an in-store offer only.

You have twin goals here: first, you do NOT want to increase your work load by
starting a shipping department; second, you want to increase your in-store
traffic and resulting sales that come when customers drop in.

5) E-mail your offer at a regular time

Your goal, remember, is to increase in-store traffic and sales. Thus, e-mail
your bulletin about 1 hour before you're open. That way you'll have customers
at the door right away... just what you want.

6) E-mail your list at least once a week.

E-mailing regularly is key to your success. Select a day for your e-mail
special offer and adhere to it religiously.

But don't hesitate to e-mail two or even three times a week if you are
announcing great offers and value. Value and great offers determine how often
you should contact your list. Customers will be glad you contacted them... if
the value warrants.

7) Track the offers that work... and the ones that don't.

Over time you'll develop a cornucopia of proven money-makers which you can
profit from while merely copying, pasting and updating. In short fast, easy
money, just the kind you like!

7) Have fun with your list -- and your customers

Business is about relationships. About knowing  your customers and them knowing
you. Use your "alert" list to do both.

Have in-house drawings... and announce the winners.

Compliment a customer on a stunning outfit... or a stunning smile.

Share a joke, a quip, a thoughtful line.

It's your personal messenger... have fun with it while you're making sale after

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Republished with author's permission by Natalie Braverman

Saturday, January 25, 2014

YOUR money is in THEIR pocket. What you have to do to get it out.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant

I've taught marketing for more years than I care to remember. The biggest challenge is getting students to understand how marketing works. What is it? Why do you need it? How do  you get the biggest return?

To answer these questions, I came up with a simple image that works wonders: YOUR money is in THEIR pocket. Do you want it to stay there... or do you want to get the funds into YOUR pocket?


Light bulbs start going on  around the class room as one student after another "gets it."

Of course they want to get their money out of that pocket. We're ALL clear on that. The discussion then shifts to how to get it out... and how to do it FAAAST!

The Pivotal Role Of The Offer

"Try this," I say to the class: walk up to someone on the street and ask them for $50. Will you get it? Unlikely. Instead be prepared for dirty looks and worse. "Asking," I say, "ain't getting." The students nod their heads knowingly. They've been there... done that.

"Ok," I say. You guys get this. Then why don't these folks, at which I show them one marketing communication after another (Yellow Pages ad, brochure, direct mail letter, etc.) where supposedly savvy business people spent good money doing nothing more than saying "Here we are, here's what we have."

"That," I say "is not marketing. It's just telling... not selling." If you want to make MONEY... YOU must motivate people to part with the bucks.

Offers Get People To Move

What gets people to buy is offers, offers, and more offers... saying, in effect, I'm prepared to give you

* this

* and this

* and this

IF and ONLY IF you take action now to get what I'm selling.

"What," I ask the class, "is more likely to get you to respond: just saying here I am, here's what I do." OR saying

"I'll give you one hour free for every three hours of my service you book."

All knowing, the students say "people will act faster if you give them MORE." Now it's my turn to nod sagely. "Bingo," sez I.

Brain storm offers all the time... because you will need an offer EVERY day you want to empty prospects' pockets and move that money

I ask the students what days they want to profit in their businesses. They look quizzical: "Well, EVERY day," they say.

Another "Bingo" from me.

"So, if you want to make money EVERY day... then when do you need to make offers?"

ANOTHER "Aha!" moment for my budding marketing masters. The idea is beginning to sink in that EVERY day you want to move money from your prospects' pockets is a day you must make offers.

"Make offers," I say, "every day you want to make money." And I write "Money means daily offers" on the chalk board.

Open A "Swipe File"

Where can you find marketing intelligence, great offers that produce the bucks? In the marketing communications of people who live or die by marketing. And where do you find these? Everywhere!

If you want to move money from other people's pockets into yours, start collecting and studying marketing communications. Open a "swipe file," and pop in marketing communications that work. Make this a daily endeavor. When you see ads that work for others, adapt the copy for your profitable use.

Don't Stop!

Marketing is like breathing. Stop doing it and you die. Finish any day by selecting the offer you'll use tomorrow. Start each day by reviewing how well yesterday's offer pulled. Note these results for future reference; winning ads should be repeated; ads that wilted must die.

One more thing: see marketing as a great game, a game that takes everything you've got. Embrace it! Enjoy it! If you don't, your money will stay in THEIR pocket and that's just not acceptable!


About The Author

Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Republished with author's permission by Natalie Braverman

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