Developing And Profiting From Your Golden House E-Mail List
Do you own a business with walk-in traffic? Then you're sitting on a gold mine
of mammoth proportions. All you have to do is gather customer names and email
addresses... then get organized so you can contact -- and profit from -- your
hot list on a regular basis.
1) Start collecting customer data at once
As I have pointed out for years, "the list is the business...and the business
is the list." Start building this all-important list TODAY.
Make it a point to ask ALL your customers for name, address, phone and e-mail
address. If you have employees, make sure they realize the importance of the
list. Show them how to request this information from all customers, thus:
"Mr. Smith, would you like to receive e-mails from us with tremendous discount
offers? Just fill out this brief form or give me your card with e-mail address."
Add this information to your list at the end of every day. Be consistent!
2) Start brainstorming hot offers today.
For your special "alert" list to work, you must present scintillating offers.
Start collecting them now.
Open a computer file and enter all your sales offers, always concentrating on
what made money. Squeezing the most dollars from your list is a direct function
of making offers that get your customers to stop in their tracks and head your
Don't hesitate to "swipe" offers from other media sources. Your offer need not
be original to you. It just has to pull.
3) Develop a format.
Start with the subject line. It should read something like this: ANOTHER great
offer from (your name). Expires 5 p.m. today... so don't delay!"
Then entice!
"Just in... the most delicious golden pears you've ever tasted. Prepare to
pamper yourself... but act NOW. We only have a few! Drop by now.. and indulge
4) Unless you ship as part of your current business routine, make sure
recipients understand this is an in-store offer only.
You have twin goals here: first, you do NOT want to increase your work load by
starting a shipping department; second, you want to increase your in-store
traffic and resulting sales that come when customers drop in.
5) E-mail your offer at a regular time
Your goal, remember, is to increase in-store traffic and sales. Thus, e-mail
your bulletin about 1 hour before you're open. That way you'll have customers
at the door right away... just what you want.
6) E-mail your list at least once a week.
E-mailing regularly is key to your success. Select a day for your e-mail
special offer and adhere to it religiously.
But don't hesitate to e-mail two or even three times a week if you are
announcing great offers and value. Value and great offers determine how often
you should contact your list. Customers will be glad you contacted them... if
the value warrants.
7) Track the offers that work... and the ones that don't.
Over time you'll develop a cornucopia of proven money-makers which you can
profit from while merely copying, pasting and updating. In short fast, easy
money, just the kind you like!
7) Have fun with your list -- and your customers
Business is about relationships. About knowing your customers and them knowing
you. Use your "alert" list to do both.
Have in-house drawings... and announce the winners.
Compliment a customer on a stunning outfit... or a stunning smile.
Share a joke, a quip, a thoughtful line.
It's your personal messenger... have fun with it while you're making sale after
Harvard-educated Dr. Jeffrey Lant is CEO of Worldprofit, Inc., where small and home-based businesses learn how to profit online. Attend Dr. Lant's live webcast TODAY and receive 50,000 free guaranteed visitors to the website of your choice! Republished with author's permission by Natalie Braverman
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